1012 West Main Street, Monroe, WA
We are a Bible believing church and base all our beliefs and decisions on the inspired Word of God. As part of the Reformed tradition, we consider the historic Reformed confessions to be good, reliable teaching tools that have been proven by time. They assist us in interpreting and applying the Bible to our lives. We also consider the ancient creeds (listed below) to be useful in helping us better understand the teaching of the Bible. While these man-made documents are useful, the Bible remains our only authority for truth. Below are links to each of these confessions and creeds so you can read them online.
We believe that the Bible is God's inspired word, useful for teaching us about our creator and his plans for our lives, about life itself and how to live it with meaning and purpose, and how to treat our planet and all those who inhabit it.
New Hope Fellowship is part of the Christian Reformed Church in North America, a small denomination with roots in the Protestant Reformation in Europe. While we are part of this broader church body, our local church is governed by our local Council, which consists of elders, deacons, and our pastor. We believe it is important to commit in significant ways to the bigger, worldwide church, and that the "Reformed accent" to the Christian faith is an important contribution to the Christian church in our community and beyond.