1012 West Main Street, Monroe, WA
We are a Christian church dedicated to serving Jesus in Monroe and in the world. We are a member church of the Christian Reformed Church in North America. We believe that our mission is to glorify God as disciples of Jesus, serving others in sacrificial love as our Lord modeled and taught.
Worship styles vary from church to church. At New Hope Fellowship our goal is to lead a diverse group of people into authentic worship of God. We use a variety of instruments, vocalists, and styles of music, all working together toward the one aim of glorifying God. While we are always learning new songs, we also treasure some of the great hymns of faith that have led Christians in worship for generations. Our worship services typically last just over an hour, with six or seven songs, a free will offering to support ministries, a sermon based on a Bible passage, and times of prayer.
New Hope Fellowship's purpose is to glorify God through joyful worship, authentically living out our faith in daily life, sharing Christ's love both in word and deed, committing to genuine discipleship, and enjoying loving fellowship as a body of believers united in Christ. We are committed to exalting Christ as Lord of all through studying his Word, applying it honestly to our lives, praying and worshiping together, and striving to serve him in every aspect of our lives. We believe the best way to do this is by staying deeply rooted in the Bible, focusing our faith on the saving grace of God in Christ Jesus, and allowing the Holy Spirit to guide us in service.