1012 West Main Street, Monroe, WA
The livestream begins Sunday at 9:45 AM with announcements.
You can give online using the button above. Donations will go to the General Fund unless otherwise noted (there is a place for a message and the deacons will apply donations to a specific fund as directed).
You can also give by sending a check to:
New Hope Fellowship
1012 W Main St.
Monroe, WA 98272
Thank you for your generous support!
We are a Bible-believing congregation, ministering on Main Street in Monroe, WA since 1951. We are young families with children, single adults, senior citizens, empty-nesters, teens, millennials--a diverse group united by our desire to follow Jesus together. Read more . . .
We work together to live out our faith in genuine ways, showing the love of Jesus to our community and to each other. We dedicate our lives and glorify God through joyful worship. We study the Bible to help each other understand and live its message. We pray. We have fun. We enjoy the gift of life. We follow where the Holy Spirit leads. We love Jesus. We love Monroe. We love you.